Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day.

  Hello all.  Sorry I have not been around much lately.  I have been rather busy, which I find to be a good thing.  But let me say that this weekend could not go by without me sharing some things with you all.

This coming Monday is Memorial Day.  This is the time that we gather as a nation and pay homage and respect to those who have fallen in battle under the flag of America.  The ones who paid the ultimate price.  Their friends and family have lost some one, forever.

To those who do not know, I am indeed a veteran of our Armed forces, and a pacifist.  So my perspective is unique.

While I am against war and conflict as a whole, that does not change the fact that these soldiers who have died, did so by following orders and doing what they believed to be the right and just thing to do.  No matter your politics or persuasion, this is something that must be respected not made light of. 

Most wars are fought over financial and political capital.  That does not lessen or cheapen the lives of the soldiers who have fallen.  If you do not agree with the motivation behind the conflict, remember this - the soldiers do not make the policy or rules, they live and die by them, for the express purpose of providing our freedom.  Politicians maneuver and play games without always counting the true cost of their plans.  But we as citizens should hold ourselves to a higher standard.  So even if you don't agree with current or past military actions, just remember that casket with a flag draped over it, holds the body of an American soldier who didn't make the war happen, but still paid the price.  Don't disrespect him/her.  Remember their sacrifice and that of their family.

Until next time,